- (M)othering, an anthology. Edited by Anne Sorbie and Heidi Grogan. Inanna Publications: May 2022.
- Falling Backwards Into Mirrors. Inanna Publications: October 2019
- Songbook for a Poet. A chapbook produced in collaboration with Nicole Brewer of The League of Canadian Poets: February 2019.
- Memoir of a Good Death. Thistledown Press: 2012 (e-book)
- Memoir of a Good Death. Thistledown Press: 2010 (print edition)
- Altar Ego: Gender, Property and the Cult of Marriage. VDM, Saarbrücken, Germany: 2008

Short Stories, Essays, and Excerpts
- “Listen.” You Look Good for Your Age. Ed. by Rona Altrows. University of Alberta Press, Fall 2020.
- “In This Valley.” YYC POP. Ed. by Sheri D Wilson. Frontenac House, Spring 2020.
- “2084.” The Prairie Journal. Issue Number 72. November 2019.
- “Whisper Talk,” in Waiting, edited by Rona Altrows LLB and Julie Sedivy Ph.D. University of Alberta Press, September 2018.
- “Thomas Horne.” CBC Canada Writes: Bloodlines, 2013. View More
- “Upon Jumping From a Moving Boat.” The Canadian Holistic Nursing Association Magazine, February 2010
- “Coyote Dreams” read by Marlene Dean for Stone Soup Anthology. Broadcast on VoicePrint, Canada’s Broadcast Reading Service, March 7 2009
- “While I Lay Here Floating, Love Allison” and “This is Supposed to be a Story About Me.” Eleventh Transmission, October 2007
- “The Secret.” Eleventh Transmission, September 2007
- “Poor Sad Pears.” Eleventh Transmission, August 2007 (the first in a cycle of 4 short stories published by Eleventh Transmission, August, September, and October 2007)
- An Excerpt from Memoir of a Good Death in Other Voices 18:1, Winter 2005
- “The Bride’s Feet.” Geist issue 57, Summer 2005
- “The Bride’s Feet” on’s-feet/ August 2005
- “Coyote Dreams.” Ars Medica, 1:1, University of Toronto: Fall 2004
- “Parrott Paints Women.” Fiction. Symbolism Bucket Press, Calgary: 2000 (Chapbook)
- “Felis Catus.” unpacking: new calgary fiction (with an introduction by aritha van herk). Creative Writing Students’ Press, University of Calgary: 1999 (Chapbook)
- “Engagement,” “Possibility” and “Brutalist Architecture.” In the anthology: Poets for Ukraine. Edited by David Brydges. June 2022.
- “The Promise of Birch.” Audio / video recording for, a Poetry Nowruz, broadcast on Ottawa March 20, 2022
- “The Day After The Day Of Mother Love.” Word City Literary Journal. May 2021 issue
- “An Invocation.” Audio recording for, a Poetry Nowruz, broadcast on Ottawa March 14, 2021
- “This Poem Is A List,” “Smoke,” “The Nest That Is Home,” “Who But The Moon,” “I See Hope,” “This Poem Is A Prayer,” “Morning Bread,” “Cravings,” and “Fall Bales.” Audio recording. Broadcast by Blaine Greenwood for Not Your Mother’s Poetry. January 23, 2021
- “Hope.” Audio recording for, Namaashoum, broadcast onnet Ottawa, January 8, 2021
- “The Distance of Water” for the Global Patchwork Project, second edition: Museum of Poetry Chiesa di San Cristoforo in Piacenza, Italy. November 2020
- “Unday” in the Loft 112 Missing You Mondays travelling book, September 2020
- “In This Valley,” in YYC POP. An anthology and Poet Laureate Legacy Project collected and edited by Sheri D Wilson. Frontenac House. August 2020
- “This Is A Prayer For You,” in The Time of The Poet Republic, Canada Issue edited by Darcie Friesen Hossack, August, 2020 (founded in Zimbabwe)
- “This Is A Prayer For You,” voem on The Indie YYC. June 10, 2020 (1.6k+ views)“Even Pomegranates Explode,” “First,” “Second,” “Third,” in The Prairie Journal. Issue Number 72. November 2019.
- “Bana Thighearna nan Eilean,” “The Fishmonger,” “August Twenty-Five,” “Ode to a Leg,” “The Poet’s Anniversary,” “The Neruda Spell,” (poems 1 – 6) in The League of Canadian Poets Feminist Caucus Newsletter on October 2018.
- “The Fishmonger,” on March 29, 2015
- “August Twenty Five,” on March 26, 2015
- “Ode to a Leg,” in 11thTransmission Issue No 1, February 2015.
- “The Poet’s Anniversary.” The Calgary Project. Frontenac House, December 2014.
- Blame it on The Bees. Skyview Press: March 2011.
- “the neruda spell.” A 10-poem cycle on Website February 2010
- “some quaint perched aerie on the cliffs of time #2.” Home and Away. Ed. by D. Dronyk and A. Kublik, House of Blue Skies: December 2009
- “Thomas Horne.” Concrete Ghosts (with an introduction by Tom Wayman). University of Calgary: April 2009 (Chapbook)
- “Manyberries Woman” and “War Woman.” Rags VI, November 2005
- Book Review: Seep by Mark Giles. FreeFall Magazine blog. December 2019.
- Book Review: Sleeping In Tall Grass by Richard Therrien. Alberta ViewsNovember 2016.
- Book Review: The Shadows We Mistake For Love by Tom Wayman.FreeFall Magazine Vol: XXVI No:2 Spring 2016.
- Article:On Robert Kroetsch. Brick Books 40thAnniversary Project. November 19, 2015
- Book Review: Pathologies by Susan Olding. In FreeFall MagazineVol: xxv No: 2 Spring 2015
- Book Review: Bitter Lake, by Marika Deliyannides. In FreeFall MagazineVol: xxv No: 2 Spring 2015
- Book Review: The Long Hello by Cathie Borrie. In Nuvo Magazine, Jan. 2, 2015.
- Review: Open Letter: Women Against Violence Against Women by Sheri-D Wilson. Freefall, Fall 2014.
- Book Review: Body Trade by Margaret MacPherson. Alberta Views, Summer 2012
- Book Review: The Knife Sharpener’s Bell by Rea Tregebov. The Wascana Review Vol 43: No 1, 2011
- Book Review: The Factory Voice by Jeanette Lynes. The Wascana Review Vol 42: No 1, 2010